“The Mysterious World of Fungi” with Mike Ostrowski, Pioneer Valley Mycological Society
June 25, 2023, 1 p.m. – 3 p.m.
Fungi are all around you, but often you do not even realize it. They play many important ecological roles, including decay of organic material and nutrient recycling and exchange. Come and learn about different groups of fungi and the fundamentals of identifying them by their fruiting bodies, the mushrooms. Part of the fun of looking for wild mushrooms is that you never know what may be popping up! We will walk along some of the park's trails to see what we can discover.
The workshop will meet at the main entrance sign to the Frank Stanley Beveridge Memorial Wildlife Sanctuary located across from the recreation field, and will cancel if there is heavy rain.
Wear hiking attire, sturdy boots, and bring water. Nature workshops are free of charge.