Park Square Realty Top Producers for Third Quarter 2023 Westfield and West Springfield

Park Square Realty is proud to recognize the company’s top producing agents for the third quarter of 2023 in the Westfield and West Springfield offices.

Barry Boccasile, Director of Growth & Development and manager of the Westfield Park Square office is pleased to announce the Westfield office’s top producers for the months of July, August and September.  The 2023 third quarter standouts are Aimee Tompkins, Julianne Krutka and Duane Desilets.

Ted Cassell, President of Park Square Realty and manager of the Park Square West Springfield office, is pleased to announce the West Springfield office’s top producing agents for the third quarter of 2023.  The agents to gain this recognition are Ericca Herbert, Karen Ford and Dee Cyr.

These outstanding agents above can be reached at 413-568-9226 in Westfield or 413-789-9830 in West Springfield. They can also be contacted via the Park Square web page at

Park Square Realty is a locally owned company with 52 agents and 2 locations in Westfield and West Springfield.

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